Why accounting firms are best placed to offer Cyber Security services

HLB IrelandNews

Why accounting firms are best placed to offer Cyber Security servicesCyber Security is a significant concern for businesses of all sizes. Your company, customers, and data are vulnerable without a protection plan in place. Even worse, if a cyber-attack occurs, you may never recover from the damage to your reputation and the cost of dealing with the fallout. Working with … Read More

HLB International wins ‘Network of the Year’ Award

HLB IrelandNews

HLB International wins ‘Network of the Year’ Award HLB International, the global advisory and accounting network, has won the Network of the Year 2022 award at the International Accounting Bulletin Annual Awards, held last night in London.    HLB Ireland (previously HLB Sheehan Quinn) is a member of HLB International and announced a rebrand this week and expansion of their consultancy services … Read More

Debt Warehousing Scheme

HLB IrelandNews

Debt Warehousing SchemeRevenue reminded the forum that it is vital that taxpayers availing of debt warehousing file all returns, even Nil returns, and pay current taxes as they fall due, otherwise the benefits of debt warehousing will be revoked. Revenue confirmed that while non-filing of VAT RTDs and other informational returns does not revoke the benefits of debt warehousing, if … Read More

We are pleased to announce the appointment of John Duffy as Partner

HLB IrelandNews

John Duffy HLB Ireland Partner

We are pleased to announce the appointment of John Duffy as PartnerHLB Ireland is pleased to announce the appointment of John Duffy as Audit Partner. John’s skillset and extensive experience will further help us to grow and support our clients. John is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland with more than 30 years of practice experience delivering and coordinating the … Read More

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Adrian Barrett as Partner

HLB IrelandNews

Adrian Barrett HLB Ireland

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Adrian Barrett as PartnerHLB Ireland is pleased to announce the appointment of Adrian Barrett as Partner. Adrian is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland (FCAI) with more than 20 years of practice experience, advising both Irish and international clients. He has worked in many roles covering multiple disciplines ranging from audit and … Read More

Donnacha McCarthy remaining optimistic as he targets qualifications for Tokyo ’21

HLB IrelandNews

Donnacha McCarthy remaining optimistic as he targets qualifications for Tokyo ‘212020 was the year Irish Paratriathlete Donnacha McCarthy was aiming to qualify for the Paralympic Games, which was due to be held in Tokyo last August. Here we check in with Donnacha, to see what has served him well over the course of the year gone by, as he gears … Read More